Marketing Masterminds

Top 7 Website Design Ideas For Small Business In 2022

A website for a small business is the number one marketing asset. Small business website design has to be about attracting the right people, your target audience, to your website and getting them to take action on the website. Aesthetics come a close second, but how it looks is not as critical as what is on the page.

There are 7 website design ideas for small business that need to be incorporated into the site in order to make the website an effective marketing tool.

  • The language you use matters – Write for your target audience. Talk about how you can solve their problem, not about you.
  • Mobil 1st can’t be an afterthought – Design with Mobil 1st in mind and desk top second
  • Call To Actions – have a primary and secondary “call to action” and follow good UA design principles by placing them in multiple highly visible spots on the website.
  • ChatBots – Not Contact Forms – Better interaction and less spam
  • Less Content – Make it short, sweet, and skimmable. No long paragraphs.
  • Design for your brand and your targeting audience, not based on what you like
  • Every small business website needs a blog for ongoing SEO.

Whether you plan to DIY your small business website or are planning on highering a designer you need to make sure that all of these website design ideas for small businesses are incorporated into your website design. Now let dive deeper to really understand how to implement these designs.

Talk To Your Audience About Their Problems and How You Can Solve Them.

There’s no quicker way to engage an audience than by letting them know you know exactly what their problem is and then telling them how your company can solve it. Many businesses start out by talking about themselves and their services but not relating back to who their customer is or to speak to them in the language that they need here.

Talk to your audience about their problems and how you solve them you have to know who your audience is. This is where understanding your customer demographic, your niche, your customer type is very important. Creating a customer persona for your ideal customer. Then creating the story of who that customer is as it relates to your brand will allow you to create language on your website that gets the audience to take action. Start learning how to do this is by reading Donald Miller’s Story Brand book.

Make Sure Your Website Looks Good On All Devices

In 2019 google started indexing websites mobile-first. What this means is that the better the mobile version of your site works, looks and suits your visitors the higher your site will be ranked in search. But people still look at websites on their desktops and tablets which come in all shapes and sizes so your site needs to look great and functional well everywhere.


To make sure that your website looks good on all devices use a custom website template system like Elementor or Divi if you have a WordPress website. These template builders give you the ability to edit and change your desktop, mobile, and tablet view independently on every page. It’s unlimited how you can tweak the different parts of a page to make sure that when you’re building your website that it looks good across all of the devices

Call To Actions Best Practices

Where things appear on your website and how frequently they appear is very important to how people use your website and more importantly how they decide to become a customer. One of the most important elements is your call to action you need to have them in multiple places on your website so they are easily accessible and so that when they get to a point where they want to become a customer they can take action easily.

A primary call to action is when they are buying. These are “schedule a consultation”, or “call us” by clicking on the phone number. We recommend your very first call to action be in the upper right-hand corner of your website. This is the premier spot our eyes gravitate towards when we first come to a website. The upper right-hand corner is for your most important messages.

The next place for a primary call to action is in the hero image just beneath your initial message explaining their problem and how you solve it. Then you wanted another primary call to action about halfway down the page and then also in the footer. The footer is usually where your contact us form will go.

A secondary call to action is for people who want to stay connected but are not ready to buy just yet. The best way to do this is via a newsletter sign-up or Sales Funnel. Read our article on Email Newsletter sending best practices to learn more about when and how often to send newsletters.

To get people to sign up for your newsletter you want to give them something that a person would need if they are in the market to buy your product or service. This could be a white paper, checklist, or infographic that helps them with the buying process.

Use Chat Bots For Better Engagement

A chatbot is more than just a way to contact you, it is your primary customer service portal. It is a much better way to engage with site users than a contact us form which is easy to ignore.

In addition to letting people speak with you live a chatbot like Tidio can provide these additional features for customer service:

  • Notify you when someone is on the site to initiate a chat with them
  • Greet every visitor with branch logic for new and returning visitors for personalization
  • Schedule meetings with Calendly integration
  • Offer customized discounts at check out on eCommerce sites.
  • Spinning Wheel interaction for discounts
  • Schedule a call back at a specific date and time

We use Tidio for all the websites that we build. It can be installed on any WordPress or Shopify website. Click the Tidio link to sign up.

Less Content Is More On Your Websites Main Pages

Creating brief impactful content that gets right to the point of the person’s problem is the way to generate leads. People don’t read when they first come to a website. They skim the content to figure out if the site is going to meet their needs. Once they have decided that the site is right for them, they continue to skim to see what is going to help them solve their problems.

Design Aesthetics to Attract Your Target Audience

What your website looks like, the images, and the colors that you choose matter when trying to attract the perfect customer. All colors and fonts that are part of your brand should be used on your website. You want visitors to start to get to know your brand by interacting with your website.

Your brand should be designed to attract your niche customer. Using colors and fonts that resonate with them will be extremely beneficial to your website.

Make sure your photography and video are clean and professional. Bad visuals can make your site look and feel like you don’t know what you are doing and lessen your ability to gain trust.

Adding A Blog for Expertise and SEO

Visitors Skim the main pages of a website. Where people read is when they are researching and educating themselves about their problems. This is why every website must have a blog. A blog helps educate people, positions you as a subject matter expert and increases the likelihood that they will buy from you because you educated them.

Blog articles are also where all of your ongoing and best search engine optimization happens. Articles should be between 600 and 2,000 words long. You can vary the number of words from article to article. The more articles you have the more keyword phrases you are going to rank for which will bring more visitors to the site.

Implementing website design ideas for small business

It’s easiest to incorporate all of these website design ideas when you are building a brand new site. If you are highering a website designer talk with them about incorporating all of these during the design phase of your project.

It will take more time to add these to an existing website. We recommend that you start by evaluating your website to see what is missing. Then add in the features that are missing. If you are using a website designer they can do everything that is missing as a single update to the website.

If you are doing it yourself, pick one at a time to implement so that you don’t lose momentum.

I hope you found this article helpful in securing your business so you can stay focused on your growth goal which always includes marketing. We also recommend reading our article 5 Trends Changing Small Business Website Design. Feel free to reach out via chat if you have any questions. We are always happy to answer questions. If you want our content delivered to your inbox Sign up for our newsletter. You get great content and exclusive offers by being a member.

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